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In 1983, it was the ‘Pine Tar’ incident when Kansas City’s George Brett was called out after a Billy Martin protest for too much pine tar on his bat.
In 1908, the London Marathon was the first marathon run at a distance of 26.2 miles. Before it had been 25 miles. If the finish line had been where it typically was, there would have been a different winner.
In 1952, Emil and Dana Zatopek became the first married couple to win gold medals in the same Olympics.
In 1966, golfer Tony Lema and his wife were killed in a plane crash.
In 1915, fate intervened and kept George Halas off a doomed ship.
Relive the greatest moments in sports every day of the year. From the triumphs to the tragedies, the first to do it to the last time it happened, the unbelievable to the strange, This Day in Sports History is a 365-day journey remembering those significant events that made a lasting impact.
The host of ‘This DiSH’ is me, Steve White. I’ve spent most of my life behind a microphone. As a kid, I realized the power of the spoken word, hanging out with my dad while we talked to people around the world via ham radio. Later, I put that penchant for communication into practice and ventured into radio and TV. I’ve worked for a few television stations in North Carolina doing sports reporting and anchoring before transitioning to voiceover in 2015.
‘This Day in Sports History’ evolved from a lifetime of watching, listening to, and going to ballgames, reading books, magazines, and newspaper articles about my favorite teams and sports heroes. It’s not only a labor of love but a voyage of discovery, finding those forgotten tidbits or fascinating things I never knew.